ELFs Movie "Absolutely Everything"


Entrance fee: € 8,-
Director: Terry Jones
Genre: Comedy/Sci-Fi
Cast: Simon Pegg, Kate Beckinsale, Sanjeev Bhaskar
Production Year: 2015, UK/USA, 85 Min

English with English Subtitles

Some aliens, who travel from planet to planet to check if the dominant species are in their opinion, "Good" or "Evil", arrive at the planet Earth.
If they decide the species are "Good" then the planet is treated as friendly but if "Evil" they destroy it!
To find this out they choose one inhabitant at random and give them the power to do whatever he/she wants.…..

British writer/director Terry Jones, known for his work with the hilarious Monty Python comedy group, returns with his first feature film in 19 years for Absolutely Anything.
With Robin Williams in his last film (only his voice this time!) as the hilarious talking dog, expect a slightly absurd, light-hearted comedy.

English Trailer:

Wann: 19.05.2016 20:00:00 Wo: Alte Gerberei, Lederergasse 5, 6380 Sankt Johann in Tirol auf Karte anzeigen
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