Film "Miss You Already" English with English Subtitles

Thursday 22nd September 8pm, Alte Gerberei, St. Johann i.T.
Entrance fee: € 8,-

Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Genre: Comedy/Drama/Romance
Cast: Drew Barrymore, Toni Collette, Dominic Cooper
Production Year: 2015, UK, 112 Min

English with English Subtitles

An honest and powerful story following two best friends, Milly and Jess, as they navigate life's highs and lows.
Inseparable since they were young girls, they can't remember a time they didn't share everything -secrets, clothes, even boyfriends - but nothing prepares them for the day Milly is hit with life-altering news.

A poignant, humorous and, above all, honest treatment of female friendship and love. A story about two women who mean the world to one another - elevated by its cast and well grounded in its sentiments.

English Trailer:

Ticket reservations

Wann: 22.09.2016 20:00:00 Wo: Alte Gerberei, Lederergasse 5, 6380 Sankt Johann in Tirol auf Karte anzeigen
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