ELFs Movie " Lars and the Real Girl"


Director: Craig Gillespie
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schneider
Production Year: 2007, USA/Canada, 106 Min
Awards: 1Oscar nomination. Another 7 wins & 32 nominations
English with English Subtitles
A delusional young man strikes up an unconventional relationship with a doll he findson the Internet.
In this comedy, Lars Lindstrom is an awkwardly shy young man in a small northerntown who finally brings home the girl of his dreams to his brother and sister-in- law's home.
The only problem is that she's not real - she's a sex doll Lars ordered on the Internet. But sex is not what Lars has in mind, rather a deep, meaningful relationship. His sister-in- law is worried about him but his brother thinks he's plainly mad.
Eventually the entire town goes along with Lars's; delusion in support of this good natured boy who they've always loved.

English Trailer:

Ticket reservations:
www.muku.at/ELFs-Lars- and-the- real-Girl_pid,16613,nid,73641,type,newsdetail.html

Wann: 23.06.2016 20:00:00 Wo: Alte Gerberei, Lederergasse 5, 6380 Sankt Johann in Tirol auf Karte anzeigen
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