School's Out - Rave feat. AKOV

Attention Dudes & Dudettes!

Um euch die Wartezeit bis zum Kirchtagsrave Akt 2 zu verkürzen, öffnen wir bereits pünktlich zum Ferienbeginn, am Samstag, den 7. Juli, die Pforten des großen Bambergsaales im Parkhotel Villach und präsentieren Euch ein Neurofunk - D'n'B Schmankerl der härteren Gangart!


• AKOV • [ Viper Recordings / Eatbrain / Titan Records / NeurofunkGrid / UK]

Uncompromising and loud, synonymous to the iconic bear logo he so frequently uses, AKOV is one of the fastest rising newcomers in the drum & bass scene. With an impressive list of shows and labels behind him in just 3 years, this artist has been under everyones radar and earned his place among the ranks of some of todays most exciting dnb artists. From hard hitting, intricately designed bass, tightly #executed drum parts and sci-fi-esque introductions to #constantly evolving arrangements with elements of classical, metal, hip hop and reggea coming through in some of his #releases, AKOV's style can be recognised almost instantly within a genre that is often #saturated with formulaic and recycled ideas. With each new release, AKOV keeps proving his ability to think outside the box and fuse together a great combination of both dance music and inspirational compositions. Half Russian and half English, this artist’s imposing persona takes that of the Bear and his high energy presence can be greatly felt when performing his DJ sets which have been #enjoyed internationally from small underground raves to large festivals



Local Support

In Your Face Krew

○ Ernest0r ○
○ WasteNoize ○
○ Phyz Drop ○
○ SubCircuz ○
○ Haptic ○
○ Syntolyx ○
○ Sensive ○
○ Modex ○
○ Impressor ○
○ Tyrant ○
○ Dreadbore MC ○


○ Rastical ○
○ 0pex ○
○ Saibotic ○
○ Nesbra ○
○ Tyranix ○


Doors -> 21:00h
Damage -> 10€ ALL NIGHT

Partners in crime

Mr. Smart
Car Hifi Studio Villach

Wo: Bambergsaal - Parkhotel, Moritschstr. 2, 9500 Villach auf Karte anzeigen
10 Video

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