Film ARMAGEDDON TIME auf Englisch mit englischen Untertiteln


** Thursday 16th November, 8 pm
** Alte Gerberei, St. Johann in Tirol
** in English with English Subtitles
** Live Music by Platform 2 before the film!


A deeply personal coming-of-age story about the strength of family and the generational pursuit of the American Dream.

A 12 year old boy grows up in an American neighbourhood with dreams of becoming an artist. His father does not approve but he finds solace in the encouraging words of his grandfather and the friendship with his classmate keeps him happy. As time moves on in his life's journey the good, bad and indifferent experiences continue to educate and fascinate him.

“James Gray’s engaging autobiographical tale set in 1980s New York boasts fine performances from Anne Hathaway, Jeremy Strong and Anthony Hopkins…. worlds collide in this terrific coming-of-age drama.”
Wendy Ide - The Guardian

Director: James Gray
Genre: Drama
Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Banks Repeta, Anne Hathaway, Jeremy Strong
Production Year: 2022, USA 114 Min
Awards: 3 wins & 18 nominations

English Trailer



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