
Beiträge zum Thema Clogging-Sport

Clogging-Duo Macie & Emily, Paducah, Kentucky, USA

Macie & Emily cloggen bei einer Talente-Show der 'Patch Homeschool Group', Paducah, Kentucky, USA, zum Song 'All Star' interpretiert von der Pop-Gruppe 'Smash Mouth'

Patch Homeschool God has blessed us with a splendid world. Homeschooling gives us, as parents, the opportunity to explore and learn of His creation as we teach our children. We have chosen to take on the responsibility to guide our children through life's lessons and prepare them for the responsibilities of God's world. P.A.T.C.H is a cooperative organization whose success requires that each member contribute time and energy to planning and implementing our activities. If our homeschool...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

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