Linedance Monkey

Beiträge zum Thema Linedance Monkey


Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 3

Monkey The monkey is a novelty dance, most popular in 1963. The dance was popularized by two R&B records: Major Lance's "The Monkey Time", and the Miracles' "Mickey's Monkey" both Top 10 Pop hits released during the summer of 1963. Wikipedia Monkey-Dance-Movements 1. Taking a fighter's crouch, face your partner and stand with feet apart, knees bent. Bend arms and close fists, thumbs up. 2. Bend forward from waist to the left, raising right arm. As your body bobs, your head also bobs forward on...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

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