
Beiträge zum Thema Noise

Akustik: A Million Squeeks Will Do You No Harm / Supportact: Treibgut

Who would have thought the sounds of the industry would rise up again? Is it noise? Is it experimental Art? Or Just a one man noise band? No, A Million Squeeks Will Do You No Harm is more than that! A Million Squeeks Will Do You No Harm is a one - man noise band hailing from Eindhoven. AMSWDYNH was founded by Mike Dobber in 2013.Dobber has the love of noise drowning through his veins. Over the years, he played in several noise-bands such as Nikoo, Pessariüm and Klaus Womb & Penny Super Pony...

  • Tirol
  • Innsbruck
  • Daniela Rückner

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