Power Ballads

Beiträge zum Thema Power Ballads

Total Eclipse of the ϟ POWER DISCO

POWER DISCO – immer am 3. Samstag des Monats @ The Loft https://fb.com/PowerDiscoVienna Total Eclipse of the ϟ POWER DISCO Samstag, 19.05.2018, ab 21:50h | 1€ - 7€ | The Loft FB-Event: http://bit.ly/PD-1905 Alle Termine zum Abonnieren: https://fb.com/PowerDiscoVienna/events DISCO FLOOR ab 21:50h BOOGALOO STEVE – https://fb.com/boogaloosteve83 STOFF – https://fb.com/Leitstrahl POWER FLOOR ab ca. 00:30h ROCKCHICK77 – https://fb.com/rockchick77 BORIS DURES – https://www.parlament.gv.at...

  • Wien
  • Ottakring
  • d j

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