
Beiträge zum Thema sdg5

Let´s braid & orangetherworld | Foto: Tatjana Christelbauer

Females4Futures: women in STEAM, politics, media
Orange Feather 25/11x365;: let´s braid & orangetheworld

Intercultural dialogue on the interface of arts, business, media, and politics in contribution to the UN Women Initiative 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based violence Recognizing the structural nature of violence against women as gender-based violence, and that violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men, aspiring to create a world free from violence against women, we are tiding commitments towards...

  • Wien
  • Landstraße
  • Tatjana Christelbauer
Árvore da Vida2030
Rio de Janeiro
Modern dance
Andrea Raw
Baumpflanzung | Foto: Tatjana Christelbauer

Vienna meets ... Árvore da Vida2030
Review on I Panamerican Modern Dance Congress in Rio de Janeiro 19th-23rd July 2019

Review on I Panamerican Modern Dance Congress in Rio de Janeiro 2019 organized by Ms. Andrea Raw Choreographical composition of  Ms.Tatjana Christlebauer and final performance of the students Árvore da Vida2030 in which the movement research and the process of composing were initiated by Talk sessions on United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, targeting specifically the gender roles and the process of transformation as a “shift of weights” have inspired participants and audiences for...

  • Wien
  • Landstraße
  • Tatjana Christelbauer

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