Big Pollo (peru)

Foto: Röda

Big Pollo was formed in 2006 in Lima, Peru, and has established as one of the most important acts of the Peruvian musical scene. They have created a unique sound as a result of the eclectic tastes of their members: Chichafunky, fusion of Funk and Chicha (Peruvian Cumbia).
Big Pollo has been reaching fans all over the globe with their new sound. In august 2022 they carried out their Funkydelia European Tour with 14 concerts in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland and Spain. They have also toured United States twice participating in the Smashington Music And Arts Festival in Orlando, Florida. Their fourth álbum “Salud, Dinero y Amor” was recorded in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They have 11,500 Spotify followers worldwide and growing.
Provoque your body and shake your soul with the spiciest peruvian rhythm. Ready to experience Chichafunky?


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