Steyr Swing Explosion (Vol.5) feat. DJ Yeamon Kemp

Foto: Grega Bohinc

Eintritt frei

„If you play a tune and a person don’t tap their feet, don’t play the tune“ (Count Basie).An evening especially for dancers. Lindy Hop, Collegiate Shag, Balboa, Charleston… dance styles between the 20s and the 50s to kick the troubles away.

A short Lindy Hop taster will be taught to show the newbies the fun of hitting the dance floor.

DJ Yeamon Kemp, a spaniard settled in Austria since some years, will bring some unforgettable tunes to Steyr. Rhythms from New Orleans Jazz and Honky Tonk to the finest R&B, from the most vernacular Hot Jazz and Blues to the grandiosity of the Big Bands and the grooviest Swing will make you bounce non-stop.
If the tune won’t make you tap your feet, it’s not gonna be played!

Einlass 19:00 Uhr
Taster 19:30
Beginn 20:30 Uhr

Yeamon Kemp

Born in Spain, Marcos Solana (a.k.a. Yeamon Kemp) has been living in Austria for 10 years. Jazz fan since his teenage years and Lindy Hop dancer, he is often seen on the decks playing music both in the local scenes of Salzburg and Linz, and at international swing festivals such as Winter Black Swing Festival (Spain), Lindy Cats Festival (Austria), Jive Swing (Croatia) or Shake the Change (Slovenia). Besides the essential Big-Band and Kansas City sounds, his sets often contain tracks that go as far as Hard Bop, trying to encourage the dancers‘ creativity. From Goodman, Ellington and Basie to Garland or Mobley, every song must have a special groove — along with lots and lots of swing.


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