arabic calligraphy

Beiträge zum Thema arabic calligraphy



H.E. Ambassador Khaled Shamaa, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Austria, Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Vienna Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ghoneim, Cultural Counsellor of the Arab Republic of Egypt request the company to the opening of the calligraphy exhibtion THE BEAUTY OF LETTERS by JUNKO BABA, RAFIK BASSEL, KARIN BAUER, CLAUDIA DZENGEL, ZEBIDA GAADAR, PETRA M. GARTNER, ABD A. MASOUD, EVA PÖLL on Friday, May 6th 2016 at 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Egypt’s Office...

  • Wien
  • Innere Stadt
  • Abd A. Masoud

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