Floating World

Beiträge zum Thema Floating World

Floating World - Samstag 10. Februar - 20 Uhr 30 - Warschenhofergut Gallneukirchen

Judith Schwarz: Drums Michiru Ripplinger: Guitar Werner Zangerle: Saxophones „The floating world is the drama of lines – their currents, their sweeps, their curves, their loops, their zigzags and their thrusts. It is the rhythm of their directions, as they run with and against each other, as they diverge and snap together again.“ *Cherry Wood Blossom by Thomas Zacharias in Japanese Prints (Taschen) Judith Schwarz, Werner Zangerle und Michiru Ripplinger beleuchten das Wechselspiel von...

  • Urfahr-Umgebung
  • Johann Aigner

Floating World - Samstag 10. Februar - 20 Uhr 30 - Warschenhofergut Gallneukirchen

Floating World Judith Schwarz: Drums Michiru Ripplinger: Guitar Werner Zangerle: Saxophones „The floating world is the drama of lines – their currents, their sweeps, their curves, their loops, their zigzags and their thrusts. It is the rhythm of their directions, as they run with and against each other, as they diverge and snap together again.“ *Cherry Wood Blossom by Thomas Zacharias in Japanese Prints (Taschen) Judith Schwarz, Werner Zangerle und Michiru Ripplinger beleuchten das...

  • Urfahr-Umgebung
  • Johann Aigner

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