
Beiträge zum Thema Liahona

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Landing Safely in Turbulence

Not long ago my wife, Harriet, and I were at an airport watching magnificent airplanes land. It was a windy day, and fierce gusts of wind whipped against the approaching aircraft, causing each one to swerve and shudder during the approach. As we observed this struggle between nature and machine, my mind went back to my own flight training and the principles I learned there—and later taught to other pilots in training. “Don’t fight the controls during turbulence,” I used to tell them. “Stay...

  • Kärnten
  • Klagenfurt
  • Michael Albrecht

Not the Miracle We Wanted

By Brittany King The author lives in Utah, USA. Sometimes we pray and pray until our knees are sore for the miracle we want, but then God gives us the miracle we need. In a few months I would graduate from college and, I hoped, have my first baby. My husband was as eager as I was to start having children. One year, four months, dozens of negative pregnancy tests, five negative ovulation tests, two miserable months on medication, and thousands of tears later, we had no baby and little hope for...

  • Kärnten
  • Klagenfurt
  • Michael Albrecht

Enduring Well

By Elder J. Christopher Lansing The plan of salvation is a wonderful plan, and part of that plan includes overcoming obstacles that sometimes get in the way and keep us from accomplishing our hopes and dreams. We all face crises during our time on earth. Some are small and some are large. A small crisis may be running out of gas on a busy road. A large crisis may be the loss of a loved one, a crippling accident, or a family tragedy. Some crises we bring on ourselves through disobedience to the...

  • Kärnten
  • Klagenfurt
  • Michael Albrecht

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