
Beiträge zum Thema sdg5

Let´s braid & orangetherworld | Foto: Tatjana Christelbauer

Females4Futures: women in STEAM, politics, media
Orange Feather 25/11x365;: let´s braid & orangetheworld

Intercultural dialogue on the interface of arts, business, media, and politics in contribution to the UN Women Initiative 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based violence Recognizing the structural nature of violence against women as gender-based violence, and that violence against women is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men, aspiring to create a world free from violence against women, we are tiding commitments towards...

  • Wien
  • Landstraße
  • Tatjana Christelbauer
Mag. Angela Amodio
Bibel Pfad Veranstaltung 2023
Chant de Paix, 32acts_breath & fire“ Tanzmeditation in der Wiener Votivkirche  | Foto: Tatjana Christelbauer

Gastfreundschaft am Pfad der Gleichnisse
Tanzmeditation 32 acts breath & fire: Beitrag zur Bibel Pfad Veranstaltung

Am Freitag, den 29. September wurde im Rahmen der Bibel Pfad Veranstaltung die Tanzmeditation am Pfad der Gleichnisse „85:10 Chant de Paix, 32acts_breath & fire“ in der Wiener Votivkirche präsentiert. Seit 2021 verwandelt die Bibel-Pfad Veranstaltungsreihe die Wiener Innenstadt in eine kleine Welt der Bibel. Zahlreiche Institutionen und Religionsgemeinschaften beteiligen sich, bieten Lesungen, Dialogveranstaltungen, Workshops, Konzerte oder Ausstellungen rund um den Stephansdom zu biblischen...

  • Wien
  • Landstraße
  • Tatjana Christelbauer
Joelize Friedrichs Photocredit by Anderson Artmann | Foto: Anderson Artmann
Video 5

inTalk with Joelize Friedrichs AG Pilot
Connecting Airpowers: women in aviation, agriculture, Global goals

F*Air-initiative inTalk&action 4sDGs through art projects, media promotion of activities, and interviews with female professionals from the fields of aviation, agriculture, art, technology, fashion, media, and beyond. Connecting Air Powers 4peace&prosperity                                   inTalk with Joelize Friedrichs, the Brazilian crop duster pilot Intro ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy team has created F*Air initiative while engaging in the current sustainable development process in the...

  • Wien
  • Landstraße
  • Tatjana Christelbauer

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