
Beiträge zum Thema sprachreisen

Foto: HTL Pinkafeld/Thomas Quaritsch

Informatics language week Scotland
The 4AHIF and 4CHIF classes of the Informatics Department went on a language week to Edinburgh.

PINKAFELD. The students stayed with host families and visited a language school in the mornings. The trip included activities like visits to the Scottish Parliament, the National Museum, a whisky distillery, Arthur's seat, Calton Hill and Portobello Beach. A highlight at the end of the trip was a tour through the Highlands in pursuit of the Loch Ness monster and a night spent in the UK’s northernmost city, Inverness. For more photos see our Instagram story (@htlpinkafeld)!

  • Bgld
  • Oberwart
  • HTL Pinkafeld

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