Errorr (de)

Foto: Mangler

Eintritt: mitglieder: € 10 | vorverkauf: € 11 (+ € 1,- Fee) | abendkasse: € 13

ERRORR was founded by Leonard Kaage; the Swedish multi-instrumentalist also known as the producer and guitar player of The Underground youth has also worked with numerous other bands like Kristof Hahn (SWANS), Tess Parks, The Blue Angel Lounge and many more. In 2019 after touring and producing for and with other bands Leonard took the opportunity to start anew on a blank canvas with his own instrumentation, production and arrangements. The first dem- os were developed in his studio, whenever he found time between recording jobs and tours in Europe, Asia and the US. After a few months the characteristic sound of the four-piece found its shape or rather the lack thereof:

Loud guitars and punchy fuzz bass supported by catchy drum beats. All those elements converge into a wall of sound that Leonards’s vocal delivery cuts through to make screaming ‘noise’ a pop record.

ERRORR band are one of the most compelling new acts in the contemporary underground scene and brings an unadulterated crassness to the table that hasn’t been seen in a while. Their live shows are incredibly energetic and given the opportunity, a must-catch. With their debut Album “Self Destruct” they have managed to capture the raw energy of a packed concert and put it on a 12-inch disc that will be released in three colors. Mark your calendars …


WKOÖ Maklertipp
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