Schnitzelbilly #2

After enjoying the Schnitzelbilly #1 vinyl release party, we are guessing you already know that beside it’s unique and world-famous sights – St. Stephen's Cathedral, Belvedere Palace, Mirabell Palace, the Golden Roof or the world’s oldest zoo in the Schönbrunn Palace gardens – Austria also has a whole lotta attractions rockin’-wise. The second Schnitzelbilly Vinyl-Release Party once again offers you a peep into the frantic Rock’n’Roll kitchens of four Schnitzel-lovin' Austrian Rockabilly acts!
Austria isn’t shaped like a bizarre guitar by accident – it’s because we rock!!!

The Hillside Wranglers (
Formed in 2008, the Hillside Wranglers, based in a town counting less than 2500 souls, which the natives call "Hill Village Middle End”, let Rockabilly shine in a brand new and freshly polished way. With their butt-kicking-modern Rockabilly sound, they’re rockin’ from stage to stage all over Austria and beyond. Their second Album “Satisfied At All” on Plan 9 Trash Records includes some of the razor-sharpest, rockiest tunes in the Austrian Rockabilly galaxy of our time.

Johnny Favourit’ (
Johnny and his boys have dedicated themself to Rockabilly music since 2008 in a fully professional manner. They are enjoying popularity among a large fan base and are constantly touring the European continent as well as the British Isles - and they are well-known as a hot-legged live act, performing their typical eccentric and crazy stage shows. True to the motto of the band: they’re gonna Rock and Roll ya!

The Flatcaps (
This classic 1950s-Rock’n’Roll trio was formed in 2007 by experienced Rockabillies Andi, Charly and Pete. They present a fine mix of cover versions, mostly of well-known rockin’-50s tunes, in their own distinctive style. Their most remarkable musical attribute beside their perfectly played instruments is Andi’s unique rockin’ voice.

Wann: 25.11.2016 20:00:00 Wo: Kulturzentrum Hof, Ludlgasse 16, 4020 Linz auf Karte anzeigen

WKOÖ Maklertipp
Rechtsschutzversicherung: Sichern Sie Ihr Recht!

Eine Rechtsschutzversicherung schützt Sie vor den Folgen von vielen möglichen Konfliktfällen – vor allem finanziell.  Es gibt viele Gründe für einen Streit vor Gericht: Angenommen, Ihr Vermieter erhöht den Mietzins in ungerechtfertigter Weise, Ihr Hund läuft einem Biker vor das Rad, Ihnen wird nach einem Verkehrsunfall das Schmerzensgeld verwehrt oder Ihr Arbeitgeber zahlt die Überstunden nicht. Von all diesen Fällen haben Sie schon gehört oder Sie haben sogar schon selbst eine solche oder eine...



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