internationale beziehungen

Beiträge zum Thema internationale beziehungen

Fini Dance Award
Tatjana Christelbauer
ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Ambassadors for SDGs
Antonio Fini | Foto: Tatjana Christelbauer

Fini Dance Festival: Wheels of Arts 2030
ACD-Partnerschaften für Globale Nachhaltigkeitsziele: Fini Dance Festival in Villapiana/Italy

Report on the visit of the Fini Dance Festival in Villapiana 2018 from ACD-president Tatjana Christelbauer: Civilian actors in motion, enjoying art with greater purpose at the Antonio Fini Dance Festival in Villapiana, Calabria/Italy with the motto: Civilian actors in motion for Sustainable Development Goals SDGs! This year, I have been invited as a guest of honor to join the Fini Dance Festival and to announce the ACD-Ambassador Award for Antonio Fini within the festival ceremony in Altomonte,...

  • Wien
  • Landstraße
  • Tatjana Christelbauer

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