Tunnel Vienna Live

Beiträge zum Thema Tunnel Vienna Live

Mo' Better Blues feat. Kiko Perez

Bei der "Blues Train Experience" werden Funk, Blues und Rock in ein einzigartig explosives Erlebnis gemischt. Dank dem Frontman Kiko Pérez, der mit seinen (patentierten) "Cosmic Love" Bass- und Gesangskünsten die monatlich wechselnde House Band mit immer neuen kreativen Inputs versorgt wird es nie langweilig. Wann: 13.03.2017 20:00:00 Wo: Tunnel , Florianigasse 39, 1080 Wien auf Karte anzeigen

  • Wien
  • Josefstadt
  • Tunnel Vienna Live

Open Gates with Remi

Open Gates die Tunnel Singer-Songwriter-Nacht präsentiert Remi & the road "Singer/Songwriter Remi & the road (originally started as "Remi") grew up in the island of Spetses, Greece. Since 2009 he has been actively performing as a Folk, Country, Bluegrass and Rock & Roll artist through various musical scenes of Greece and Europe. His music has a flavour of street music and real stories of journeys around the world." Homepage danach: Open Stage mit Open Phil Eintritt: Freie Spende Wann:...

  • Wien
  • Josefstadt
  • Cafe Tunnel

Open Gates with Ryan Tennis

Open Gates presents Ryan Tennis Listening to Ryan Tennis is like taking a road trip to a new place with an old friend. Songs range from soul-touching acoustic ballads to roots funk and soul to rollicking reggae covers, but under it all is a foundation of groove and warmth that keeps you moving forward. His rhythm and energy have endeared him to audiences in Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, Argentina, Colombia, and across the east coast of the United States. www.ryantennismusic.com later on: Open...

  • Wien
  • Josefstadt
  • Cafe Tunnel

Open Gates with Mister Jones

Singer-Songwriter-Abend mit Mister Jones a British singer songwriter described as "A fusion of Jack Johnson-esque acoustic guitar with a more open and rounder Bob Dylan style lyrics and vocals”. “He writes songs….songs with crafted, thoughtful lyrics….with a catchy, sometimes quirky guitar work and a distinctive, unique vocal quality…you need to listen to them." Performing with just an acoustic guitar and a lot of heart, seeing Mister Jones live is an intimate and engaging experience....

  • Wien
  • Josefstadt
  • Cafe Tunnel

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