Meet the mormons - Tuesday 6:30 p.m. - the humanitarian

Bishnu Adhikari, one of six LDS Church members featured in the 2014 film, "Meet the Mormons," is alive and actively engaged in the recovery effort following Saturday's devastating earthquake in Nepal. | Foto: meet the mormons
  • Bishnu Adhikari, one of six LDS Church members featured in the 2014 film, "Meet the Mormons," is alive and actively engaged in the recovery effort following Saturday's devastating earthquake in Nepal.
  • Foto: meet the mormons
  • hochgeladen von Heinz Mauch

It was a long preparation time. Thousands of Flyers have been distributed all over Klagenfurt.
- Technical problems with the beamer for a good quality of the projection were
- differences between windows and apple formats had to be harmonized
- The sound system in the chapel was strengthend by additional devices.
- Additional curtains had to be prepared to dim the daylight.
- How many seats should be placed?
- What is the right distance frome the first row to the screen?
- Will the Lord accept our efforts?
- Are our efforts in harmony with his assignment?
- Who should introduce an adress of welcome?
- refreshments yes or no?
- invocation and benediction oder just cinema?

At least we just do it. And it will work out good. We have the best purposes in our heart. So what can happen?

Look an see!

Bishnu Adhikari, one of six members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints featured in the 2014 film "Meet the Mormons," is alive and actively engaged in the recovery effort following Saturday's devastating earthquake in Nepal.

Adhikari and his family are safe, according to "Meet the Mormons" director Blair Treu and officials with Choice Humanitarian, who have both been in contact with Adhikari since the magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck, killing more than 3,000 and injuring thousands more.

Adhikari was honored by Choice Humanitarian in 2010 as its "Humanitarian of the Year." The Utah-based nonprofit organization, which works in 180 villages in the Lamjung district of Nepal, posted on its Facebook page Saturday that Adhikari is coordinating with the country's government in the relief effort.

Pearl Wright, Choice Humanitarian's communications specialist, has been in contact with Adhikari since the earthquake. She said he and his family were at a church watching sessions of the 185th Annual General Conference when the earthquake began.

"Bishnu and his family are fine. They are emotional, overwhelmed and tired, but otherwise fine," Wright wrote in an email. "Fortunately, they did not lose their home, but due to the continuing aftershocks, they have limited access. Luckily that is changing as the situation stabilizes."

Chris Johnson, Choice Humanitarian's program director, spoke of finding Adhikari in Nepal Sunday evening. He said it had been raining all night, but the morning dawned with a clear blue sky.

"I found him (Bishnu) in good spirits and ready to tackle the day," Johnson wrote in another email. "In two hours he will be meeting with the Red Cross of Nepal and begin coordination on relief efforts to be mounted and where to focus. They have continued to experience minor aftershocks but things are getting better. The people in Kathmandu are returning to their homes and starting to return to their lives to some small degree of normalcy."

Wo: Gemeindehaus Mormonen, Hirschenwirtstr., 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee auf Karte anzeigen
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