With axe and saw ready for the dangerous Death Race

Foto: privat

ST. ROMAN, USA (kpr). The 24-year-old St. Rominger managed many races in different countries. In this interview he talks about the next stage, which is beyond all limitations.

BezirksRundschau: Where have you been since our last interview?

David Dietrich: From December to March, I spent three months in New Zealand. My already high expectations were exceeded by far. In New Zealand, I had an average of every weekend a race, so a tight schedule - luckily with a breathtaking itinerary. Then it went to the West of the USA, where I for weeks in LA "got stuck" after I am muscle beach - had learned a few welcoming athletes know - Arnold's former retreat. The rest of my time I spent running and campend in the National Parks of Grand Canyon Sequoia to Yosemite and Lake Tahoe was all there. The last time I was in Peru to participate in a 240 km ultra-marathon in the Amazon, for which I trained for months. Unfortunately, this was after about 90 km for me due to a knee injury already over - the experience of living for a week in the jungle is me, however, no longer take.

What's next for you?

. To "break" the "Death Race", a race that puts everything in the participants mentally and physically, the race director writes: "We want you to fail and Encourage you to quit." (In German: We want you scheiterst and encourage you to abandon). Average, there are only ten percent of the starter to the finish.

What's happening there?
No one knows. When a Death Race nothing is given, everything can happen. It can take from 48 to 100 hours non-stop and the track length is between 80 to 160 kilometers. In between are dozens, nerve-wracking to do yet unknown tasks before the race. In the past, these included: hours and hours chopping wood, American presidents memorize thousands of burpees in ice water, build a 2 km long stone stairs, carrying 50 kg stone over a mountain, 100 Penny pieces popping out of a pond, a whole onion ESSN. Once even had to compete against a bull in a bullring participants.
We have received a list of necessary equipment before the race. Among other things we adults diapers, an ax, a painter suit, a saw, porcupine quills and 4 square feet of deerskin must bring to the race - no one knows why.

And why are you doing this to yourself?

To learn to exceed my limits. Anyone can run or train to reach its limits a few hours at a stretch. But to what extent one is really resilient to what you are really capable of? As far as I can after total exhaustion and sleep deprivation go? This is in my opinion a valuable life experience. I am aware that my chances are very low, to be among the successful ten percent - still I will give everything!

You live at the founders of the Death Race - how did you get there. And do you think it's an advantage for the Challenge?

Random - I sent one of the founders of an insignificant question by e-mail and he just replied "Come to Vermont and figure it out. You can stay and work with us! "(In German:. Come to Vermont and find out you can live with us and work). After a moment's thought, I got my South American trip canceled and am again flown to the U.S. to take advantage of this unique opportunity. I slept in the parking lot of the local yoga studios to surprise the sender of the mail in the morning the first night. Now I am working here for room and board. Although "Numerology" is a bit exaggerated: I sleep in a semi-finished stone hut on a mountain, to which I must run every day four kilometers up. I train with some of the world's best athletes Obstacle Racing - the founder of the Death Race also have the better-known Spartan Race founder and some of the so-called "elite athletes" train and work here. I have, therefore, probably not necessarily an advantage. The types are very difficult to assess and to never take it seriously. At the time I learn unicycling, due to a "well-intentioned" tips - or a sardonic joke - in a Death Race, you never know.

Are you homesick after such a long sporting world travel tour?
Yes, mainly to family and friends. But as for a sense of home is Pittsfield with its 400 inhabitants, the landscape and the rural appearance almost a 1:1 copy of St. Roman - I feel like at home. But on the real St. Roman I am looking forward immensely.


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