Amerikanische Truppen

Beiträge zum Thema Amerikanische Truppen

Innsbruck, Seegrube, 27. Mai 1945: On the patio of the Yank Skytop Club, formerly the Seegrube Hotel, a world renowned year-around resort, the 103rd Division band plays dance music. | Foto: t/5 Ernest Brown, 163 Signal Photographic Company

Befreiung, Besatzung, Abzug, die Amerikaner in Innsbruck

INNSBRUCK. Am 10. Juli 1945 endete die Besatzung der amerikanischen Truppen in Tirol und die französischen Truppen folgten. Am 3. Mai 1945 marschierte die 103rd Infantry Division in Innsbruck ein: "There were Austrian flags hanging from many windows – the locals did not display white surrender flags, because they now wished to be considered » liberated nationals of a country that had been invaded by the terrible Germans in the early days of the war « and not members of a population that had...

  • Tirol
  • Innsbruck
  • Georg Herrmann

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