Abstract Art in Motion


Curated by Martina Tritthart and Holger Lang.

The exhibition TRANSFORMATIONS, showing multimedia installations, is an accompanying element to the Punto y Raya Festival, a bi-annual celebration of abstract film and animation. The transition from concrete elements and activities to increasingly stronger reductions can be experienced as a metamorphosis from a representational perspective to a universal, objective view.

Installations presented in the exhibition:
Myriam Boucher and Pierre-Luc Lecours with FRAGMENTS
Single channel installation 2020
Fragments is composed of three short films that could be viewed in any order. For this work, the creative duo fragmented images and sounds captured in Quebec during the summer of 2020. The result is a journey through different sounds and abstract visual landscapes. Fragments is a contemplative and luminous piece, which seeks to counterbalance the current anxiety-provoking climate. Supported by the Canadian Embassy in Austria/ CALQ.

Zeno van den Broek with NODE.CONNECT
Interactive virtual installation for mobile devices with sound, 2021
"" is a web-app artwork revolving around the notion of collectivity: visitors use their smart devices to enter an audiovisual digital space. This environment is build up out of ever evolving visuals that respond to the tilting of the device and hearing of a binaural interactive sound environment through headphones.
Visitors place a circle in the digital space by tapping the screen, and are able to merge their circle with other visitors, forming larger circles that react in size and colour to the level of collectivity in the behaviour. The behaviour of the visitors impacts the behaviour of the digital environment, which has its own logic and characteristics. The binaural flock of electromagnetic sound sources reacts to the flocking of the visitors: parameters such as average distance, deviation, speed and position all impact the behaviour and positioning of the sound. This reciprocal interaction between the human and the digital questions our collective behaviour in the digital realm and the relationship between the human and non-human environments. "Node.connect" is an ongoing research project by Zeno van den Broek, made possible by Creative Industries Fund NL.

Single channel installation, 2019
A motion painting across three synchronised screens that uses Hong Kong's urban topography as a canvas. Road markings, graffiti and asphalt textures explode and contract in a portrait of the paints and stains that adorn the city's streets.

kinoManual (Aga Jarząb and Maciek Bączyk) with POCKET CINEMA
Installation, 2021
Animating light with analogue slide projectors.
The projectors, modified by rotating devices, display specially designed slides blended with other shapes and colours. The use of mechanical optical devices, and the resulting problems and imperfections, affects the aesthetics of the work. Such equipment ensures the characteristic softness and subtlety of colours and shapes, as opposed to the mathematical precision of the digital image.

Jörg Piringer with INFINITE POEMS
Installation, 2019
tiny computer, lcd-display, 3d-printed case, custom software
30 animated instagram visual poetry videos. No Sound, just animated letters!
"Infinite poems" is a study about the tension between nature and technology, as well as semiotics and semantics. In this work technology acts as a platform for natural processes, structure and dynamics take over the part of generating meaning and content. In this way, natural abstract processes can be experienced intuitively and become comprehensible in their composition.
A specially developed software and hardware shows infinite visual dynamic arrangements, which are never repeated exactly twice. The movement of the letters on the square high-resolution displays is controlled by a set of rules, which produces chaotic emergent phenomena due to the complexity of the processes.

Blanca Rego Constela with JORGE RANDO
Single channel installation, 2019
Originally created for the Museum Jorge Rando and MaF-Málaga de Festival, the idea was to produce a video piece based on Jorge Rando's paintings - a Neo-expressionist painter and sculptor from Málaga (Spain). It is a piece created using data bending techniques. The soundtrack was made saving digital photos of Jorge Rando's paintings as sound. What you see in Rego Constella's work are the same audio files saved as images.

Martin Reinhart and Virgil Widrich with TX-MIRROR
Interactive installation, 2018
The installation "tx-mirror" was created for the exhibition "Art in motion. 100 masterpieces with and through media" at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and is a further development of the film technology "tx-transform" invented by Martin Reinhart in 1992. As in earlier works created by the duo Martin Reinhart and Virgil Widrich, the common perception is questioned and expanded through intuitive interaction. You can look at yourself in a magic mirror and explore the laws of a universe in which time and space have been swapped. Produced at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, thanks to Peter Weibel and Leo Coster.

Billy Roisz with FANTOMKROM
Hybrid installation, 2021
a/v installation. video projection. chair. transducer.
move your eyes and your ass will follow!

Johanna Smiatek with MELODYMAT
Interactive kinetic sound object, 2019
ceramic, electronics with motion control, sound, loudspeaker, black velvet, wood
The visitor can roll the round ceramic object directly on a surface. Depending on the position of the sphere, a different sound can be heard. In the way you move the object it is possible to create your own sound variations. In total there are almost 70 different individual sounds. The title of the work, “Melodymat”, was inspired by the film “The Sleeper” by Woody Allen. In the broadest sense, it is a quote from the film’s “Libidomat”. The leading actor is “frozen” after an operation and defrosted 200 years later. The world has changed. The Libidomat is a spherical object in this world that people need in the future to feel pleasure.

Johanna Smiatek with MELODYMAP
Printed carpet, 2020
"Melodymap" is a carpet that shows the graphical map of “Melodymat”. With the help of the original three-dimensional form, different prints were created and combined onto a carpet. In the widest sense, the work also reminds of “Automobile Tire Print” (1953) by Robert Rauschenberg.

Johanna Smiatek with MY ROSSO CORSA (or 86m/h)
Interactive installation, 2013
Original Ferrari-Red, wood, metal, cardboard, electronic components, motion detector
On the one hand, "My Rosso Corsa"a relates to the original Ferrari-Red, and on the other, to the group De Stijl and the Constructivist movement of the early 20th century. The reduction of the elements to a square and a rectangle, as well as the colours (white and red) are key to this work. The piece also refers to Malevitch's “Red Square” (1915), which the artist created nearly 100 years ago. In "My Rosso Corsa", translated as “My Red Race”, the red square will be set into motion at a speed of 86 m/h by means of an integrated conveyor belt.

Tereza Stehlíková with WORMWOOD TOPOGRAPHY
Hybrid installation, 2021
This project seeks to capture and preserve the liminal zone of Willesden Junction, Wormwood scrubs, Kensal Green Cemetery and the adjacent areas of NW10, London which have become the epicentre of a new redevelopment Old Oak Common Regeneration. In Stehlíková's work Wormwood is mapped and captured through frottage, a method which enables her to transfer some of the unique textures and qualities of this in-between land onto paper. It is a perfect technique to archive a place and to keep it alive. There are the imperfections, uneven surfaces, blemishes and hidden tactile treasures that give the place a sense of identity, embodied memory, and a sense of history.

Thomas Steiner with FLUIDE
Hybrid installation, 2018-2021
a/v installation, video projection. life action drawing, painting, 2D computer-animation
A single frame animation on large sheets dealing with time. The simultaneity presents, past and future, giving the idea of eternity.

Wann: 26. 11. 2021 bis 8. 12. 2021 ab 10 Uhr
Wo: in der Factory des Künstlerhauses

All recommended COVID-19 prevention measures will be in place, so prior booking is required. Stay tuned for more information.

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Die Möglichkeit ein Genusspaket von tudo bem zu gewinnen, erhalten jetzt alle Wiener Newsletterabonnenten. | Foto: tudo bem
Ob Anschaffung, Ergänzung der Tauchausrüstung, Reglerservice oder Füllung von Tauchflaschen – mit Tauchsport Adria hat man einen kompetenten Partner an seiner Seite. | Foto: Tauchsport Adria



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