
Beiträge zum Thema Wotan

Tribute 2 the Beatle-Banshees
HELTHAR SKELTHAR - Teutonic Version

HELTHAR SKELTHAR Deducated 2 The Beatles + Siouxsie and the Banshees When i get 2 the bottom I will get 2 the top Cause pain is our crown 2 arise is our job The riches pay their bitches Cash is their belief Mammon by satan is truely their chief So beware...and prepair 4 Helthar skelthar!   ( Refrainish 3 times a la Siouxsie but in slow type o metalgrowning) Not the hippie-beatle... ...führte uns zum Titel Schon eher die Siouxsie & das Punksstar-Gspusie Doch der Vathar des Gedanken Bleibt der...

  • Tirol
  • Innsbruck
  • heinrich stemeseder

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