
Beiträge zum Thema Englisch


Endlish meditation

This course is based on the book “Transform your life“ by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso which is a perfect manual for inner transformation with a special emphasis on integrating universal love and compassion into our daily life. Through numerous examples and analogies, the autor and founder of the new Kadampa-tradition, shows how through these practices we can discover the real meaning of human life and fulfil our human potential. Modern Buddhist practices will be introduced to improve our happiness,...

  • Wien
  • Neubau
  • Sandra von Inten


Concert + workshop - Indian music overview: various styles and instruments - Singing workshop: how to improve your physical and emotional state using special sounds - Music performance The program will be held in two languages: English, Русский Free entrance Wann: 15.10.2014 18:30:00 Wo: Kniga.at, Alserbachstraße 11, 1090 Wien auf Karte anzeigen

  • Krems
  • stefan yogi

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