Akustik: She Makes War

She Makes War is the gloom-pop solo project of Bristol based multi-instrumentalist, filmmaker and digital polymath Laura Kidd. A pacifist force of nature with a punk spirit and a serious work ethic, Kidd’s mission is a peaceful but provocative one - to create breathtakingly honest music and share her art with the world, levelling with her community of music lovers as peers.

With a rich cocktail of influences from ELO to Kristin Hersh, Belly and The Breeders, Blur, Elastica and Suede, Bikini Kill, Nirvana, Hanne Hukkelberg, Cat Power, Carina Round, Radiohead, My Brightest Diamond and Bon Iver, She Makes War has been dubbed “alt-folk”, “ambient dream-pop”, “a modern musical Boudica” and an “empowering force to be reckoned with”.

Her creative one-woman shows on grungey electric guitar, claustrophobic vocal loops, ukulele, marching drum, foot percussion and megaphone have been captivating audiences around the UK and support slots with Suede, The Magic Numbers, Nadine Shah, Chris Helme and Drugstore propelled SMW in to 2014, where she is currently hard at work on her third album.

Samstag 20:45
Eintritt: 5/7/9 EUR

Wann: 29.03.2014 20:45:00 Wo: Die Bäckerei, Kulturbackstube Dreiheiligen, Dreiheiligenstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck auf Karte anzeigen
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