ELFs Movie "Boyhood" in Cooperation with Kikiplexx


Director: Richard Linklater
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Cast: Ellar Coltrane, Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke
Production Year: 2014, USA, 165 Min
Awards: Won 1 Oscar. Another 185 wins & 162 nominations
English with English Subtitles

Filmed over 12 years with the same cast, Richard Linklater's Boyhood is a groundbreaking film. The story is of growing up as seen through the eyes of a child named Mason (a breakthrough performance by Ellar Coltrane), who literally grows up on screen before our eyes. Boyhood charts the rocky terrain of childhood like no other film has before.
Snapshots of adolescence from road trips and family dinners to birthdays and graduations and all the moments in between become transcendent, set to a soundtrack spanning the years. Boyhood is both a nostalgic time capsule of the recent past and an ode to growing up and parenting.

English Trailer:


Ticket reservations:
Entrance: € 8,- , € 5,- under 18 years

Wann: 19.11.2015 20:00:00 Wo: Alte Gerberei, Lederergasse 5, 6380 Sankt Johann in Tirol auf Karte anzeigen
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