Kino: ELFs English Film "Words & Pictures"

English with English Subtitles

Words and pictures are two of the building blocks of cinema, but in the witty, romantic and moving film from veteran director Fred Schepisi (Six Degrees of Separation, Last Orders) they become weapons in a battle between passion and reason, heart and head.

Working from a sophisticated, character-driven script by Gerald DiPego, Schepisi brings a perfect balance of lightness and gravity to this unusually intelligent romantic comedy. Owen and Binoche, meanwhile, are as charismatic and complex as ever, playing two hard-headed, fiercely intelligent and passionate people whose abundant personal troubles have not yet crushed their fiery spirits and their competitive drive

Director: Fred Schepisi
Genre: Comedy/Drama/Romance
Cast: Clive Owen, Juliette Binoche, Bruce Davison
Production Year: 2014, USA, 111 Min

English Trailer:

Wann: 18.06.2015 20:00:00 Wo: Alte Gerberei, Sankt Johann in Tirol auf Karte anzeigen
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