Grossly negligent manslaughter
Woman jailed after dogs killed jogger

The dog owner confessed and had no criminal record before the incident - the judge therefore saw mitigating circumstances. | Foto: BezirksRundSchau
  • The dog owner confessed and had no criminal record before the incident - the judge therefore saw mitigating circumstances.
  • Foto: BezirksRundSchau
  • hochgeladen von BezirksRundSchau Perg

A woman whose dogs brutally killed a jogger last year was sentenced to 15 months in prison today at the Linz Provincial Court, five of which were unconditional. "Grossly negligent manslaughter" was the charge brought by the public prosecutor.

NAARN. Just under six months have passed since the terrible incident in Naarn shook the entire country: a 60-year-old jogger was attacked and fatally injured by dogs on 2 October 2023. The public prosecutor's office and police investigated for several months to reconstruct the course of events. For example, a DNA analysis revealed that three dogs attacked the victim, not just the male dog "Elmo", who was killed on the day of the tragedy by order of the authorities.

15 months in prison

The three American Staffordshire terriers broke away from their owner when the jogger approached. According to the owner, she fell to the ground. She was neither able to restrain the animals with commands, nor was she able to tear the dogs away from the 60-year-old woman from Naarn. The public prosecutor's office used these facts to justify its charge of "grossly negligent homicide".

In the jury courtroom, which was filled to the last seat, the defendant read out a statement. In it, she expressed her "deepest condolences" to the bereaved and apologised. No witnesses were heard and the defendant did not want to answer any further questions.

The sentence: 15 months imprisonment, five months of which were unconditional. In addition, the victim's husband and son will each receive 20,000 euros in compensation for pain and suffering. The judge allowed mitigating circumstances to apply as the defendant made a full confession and had no previous criminal record. The judgement is final.

Dog keeping law tightened

The consternation over the jogger's cruel death made waves, even in the legislative arena. In the meantime, a new dog ownership law has been drafted in Upper Austria which, among other things, stipulates an increased training requirement for six breeds, including American Staffordshire Terriers. From the age of 13 months, these breeds will be required to wear a lead and muzzle in public areas


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