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HLW on tour - Englisches Theater im Stadtsaal Spittal


HLW on tour - Englisches Theater im Stadtsaal Spittal

Am Freitag, 24. November 2023, besuchten die AHW, 2BHW, 4AHW, 5AWH, 5M der HLW Spittal die Vorstellung der Vienna’s English Theatre – Schooltours. Der Spittaler Stadtsaal bot an diesem Vormittag unseren SchülerInnen ein Erlebnis der besonderen Art und stellte somit eine wertvolle Bereicherung unseres Englischunterrichts dar.

Mit viel Enthusiasmus wurde das Stück ‘Roxy and Cy’ von der Theatergruppe inszeniert. Hautnah und mit großer Begeisterung verfolgten die Jugendlichen die englische Aufführung. Mit diesem Event setzt die HLW Spittal alljährlich ein besonderes Zeichen, den Schülerinnen und Schülern im Fremdsprachenunterricht Kultur, Kunst und Sprache näher zu bringen. Ein Dank gilt dem Organisationsteam der Englisch-Fachgruppe.

Roxy and Cy

On Friday, the 24. November 2023 the second, fourth and fifth classes enjoyed a special theatre show performed by an actress and actors of the Vienna English Theatre.
This year the play was called ‘Roxy and Cy’ and the students had the chance to immerse into the topics of honesty, appreciation, true love and respect.
As far as the comments reveal, they definitely enjoyed this experience.

Comments of some students of the 2AHW:

1. The message for me is that you shouldn't lie. For me, Roxy was the best actress. She played very well and I liked her performance and I am generally very impressed by the actors. The play was funny and interesting. Yanique

2. The message for me is that you shouldn’t hide your feelings, I liked the performance and I think the actors did a good job. Roxy was the best actress for me because she acted very realistically. It was interesting to watch and also quite funny. Marie

3. I think the message is that you should never lie to people and you should not hide your feelings from people. The best actor for me was Cy, he played the role very realistically and it was impressive. The performance in general was very good. I didn’t like the ending though, as it was a bit sad. – Laura

4. The general message of the play is that you should never lie to your loved ones and that you should always express your feelings. I liked the blond actor the most, he was the funniest and the most relatable one of the bunch. I liked the performance in general, but I disliked the ending. I would have preferred a relationship between Roxy and Cy. I like the idea of a theatre performance and I think it's very important that people deal with the genre. – Leonard


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