Vernissage: Foldes • Dora // 2013

She was born in Hungary, grew up in Budapest and Paris and recently spent almost a year in Innsbruck. She now lives in Berlin.

Her current solo show at Die Bäckerei presents several pieces of two series she worked on in 2013.

‘This is Us’ is a series contemplating the female beauty ideal of the 2010s, created by the share generation. This is us. This is how we see ourselves through the mirror of our phones. This is how we want to be seen when we click the ‘share’ button. This series of oil on canvas paintings aims to preserve and forward this image of our generation to the future - on canvas.

‘Unorthodoxia’ is a series inspired by eastern orthodox iconography. These mixed media paintings and illustrations turn the originals up-side-down and intend to act like warnings against conformism, mental narrowness and conservatism.

All exhibited pieces will be available for sale.

You can see more about Dora and her work here:

Wann: 25.11.2013 19:00:00 Wo: Die Bäckerei, Kulturbackstube Dreiheiligen, Dreiheiligenstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck auf Karte anzeigen
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