SOHN - TOUR 2017

Foto: Phil Knott

Entitled Rennen, the new SOHN album will be released on January 13, 2017. The London-born artist has traded Vienna for the warmth of Los Angeles, but the influence of his former home still lingers (Rennen is a German verb meaning ‘to run’). Resuming a nocturnal schedule – as he did with Tremors – SOHN spent a month writing alone in northern California, recording until the morning most days. The ten songs of Rennen are confidently direct and focused. Consciously exercising restraint SOHN used only a handful of musical elements on each track, eager to allow the spotlight to shine on the vocals, melodies and rhythms.

Premiered last night, ‘Conrad’ is a second taste of Rennen, following on from the single ‘Signal’
(accompanied by a video directed by and starring Milla Jovavich). With ‘Conrad’, SOHN touches on the
pervading mood of a precarious political climate, whilst making use of a variety of empty glass bottles,
kitchen utensils, walls and floors for percussion.

Ticket-Vorverkauf startet am Freitag, 11. November um 10:00 Uhr

Print@Home Tickets gibt's hier

Kartenvorverkauf zum günstigsten Preis in allen Filialen der Steiermärkischen Sparkasse, spark 7 Ermäßigung, im Zentralkartenbüro und bei Oeticket

Wann: 16.02.2017 19:00:00 Wo: PPC, Neubaugasse 6, 8020 Graz auf Karte anzeigen
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