Der neue Reggae shootingstar "Torch" live im Weekender Club am 30.April 2014

Live from Jamaica

✮ ✮ ✮ TORCH, the evaburning flame ✮ ✮ ✮

singer of the Nr.1 hit "Good Reggae Music"

Soundsystemshow by
Gundada Sound
InnFaya Sound
Invasion Sound

+ special guest outta Germany Starline Sound

Einlass: 22:00 Uhr
Vorverkauf für 6 euro im Weekender Cafe & Club , Burton Innsbruck Flagship Store und TOBIS travel solutions
AK 8.-

TORCH, the evaburning flame is coming to Innsbruck!

Torch, from Kingston, Jamaica has already worked with several of the biggest Reggae producers in the world like Donovan Germain and Tony Rebel, ‘Bobby Digital’ Dixon, Fifth Element Records, One Blood Productions, Gargamel Music, Silly Walks and many more. His hit single "Good Reggae Music" on the "Honey Pot Riddim" produced by Silly Walks became a massive hit in 2013 and is already considered as one of the biggest Reggae anthems of modern roots. So don't miss this night full of pure vibes, roots and culture. The local support comes from Gundada Sound, Innfaya Sound and Invasion Sound.


Wann: 30.04.2014 22:00:00 Wo: Weekender Club, Tschamlerstraße 3, 6020 Innsbruck auf Karte anzeigen
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