Salsa and Sensual Night at Schauspielhaus Graz on 17. December
La Vida es Salsa Big Edition X-Mas Party


La Vida Es Salsa is inviting artists, dancers and  DJs  to celebrate together on 17. December Christmas. We will have 2 creative workshops: at 20:00 "Bachata social" with a syncopated step and isolation -Master Roberto Trigona (sensual dancer) and his assistant Maria Grill, and after the bachata workshop, another great Sensual Workshop " Zouk and Improvisation" with a sensual maestra Evelyn Schalk (a zouk specialist, top sensual dancer and a master of following) will take place. At 22:00 start the social dance night.Music by DJs Roberto Trigona and Albert Lindo. We are pleased to thank dance groups, dance schools, DJs, artists and sponsoring stuff to enable this event (Dance School Conny und Dado, Zouk-Familiy with Evelyn Schalk, Cuban Dance Teacher, a Rueda de Casino Master Reinhard Otto, founder of Reinis Rueda, as mentioned Roberto Trigona, Albert Lindo as a huge Salsa Teacher(on1 and on2) and DJ , Julia Panduric together with the BachataFusion Dance Group, and many many others, we just cant write down all supportive names, because there is a text limitation.Despite of this, if there is a wish, we can try to modify the text.
La Vida Es Salsa, togetehr with SCHREINER Bar, wish you a great christmas night. Enjoy the night. THANKS

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